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Online gambling advertising should be banned say parents ahead of parliamentary inquiry



Rod’s son Ollie was 18 when the first Covid lockdown began.

Bored, lonely and receiving an unexpectedly high income thanks to his part-time tennis coaching job being replaced by the JobKeeper payment, he began to bet on sports games via apps on his phone.

“Even though I thought I thought I’d brainwashed him into how bad these companies are, he just got sucked in,” Rod said

“He ended up losing $25,000 with about five different agencies or companies.”

Rod said his son would lose about $5,000 with one company, ban himself from the app in an effort to stop gambling but soon receive more ads and join another company to bet again.

a hand hovering over a gambling app on a phone
Parents say being able to gamble over the phone makes it too accessible for young people.(Supplied)

“Ollie said in the end, he was betting on ice hockey in Estonia, because he could, they’re always sending you a deal,” he said.

After about a year, Ollie confessed his gambling issue to his parents and got help.

“His mother ended up taking control of his finances just so that he couldn’t bet anymore, and he went and saw this psychologist who deals with gambling addiction,” he said.

Concern about advertising to young people

Ollie has now stopped gambling completely and is moving on with his university studies and his part-time job.

But the experience has galvanised his father to speak out, saying few people are aware of the extent of the problem and how it’s affecting young people.


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